Depicting Knights: Great Helms and the Cervelliere

I'm soon to commence building and painting a bodyguard unit of knights for my Rebel army and for this I have a beautiful selection of 28mm mounted figures and their dismounted equivalents from Crusader Miniatures . The interesting feature of the dismounted knight sculpts is that all of them are depicted fighting on foot and wearing the iconic great helm. These figures look fantastic but I do not believe they are accurately portraying how knights fought on foot, so I thought to put up a short discussion on a subject you won't often find. It really cuts to the purpose and use of the great helm in this period. Perhaps one of the reasons for a lack of discussion on the subject and likely one of the contributing factors in motivating figure sculptors is the scant evidence we have specifically for the mid-thirteenth century. Nevertheless, there are consistencies in development of helmet design preceding, following and cutting through the period which enables a clear and logical ana...