Rebel Right Ward Knights: Modelling the Unit
Some of my caprisons will be of an undied fabric to reduce the tendency for heraldic units appearing too gaudy. The caprison colours are muted compared to how the knights' arms will be depicted on their shield. I dilute the base colours (Humbrol with mineral terpentine) with a little black, using slightly more for the creases. Applied over white undercoat (not prayed but brushed) gives me graduated depth and a fabric look. If I remember, the unit leader with have the only coloured helm. This is my first unit but am remodelling an old unit of levy archers (12) a the same time whilst I await the arrival of the rest of my Right ward infantry figures.
The following shots are the knights at their pre-matt spray coat stage. All matt painting is done including some staining at the edges of the caprisons prior to the protective and matt coat being applied to seal the paint job to protect the models. I will then apply the finishing touches which are generally the shiny or gloss metalic coats such as brass, gold and some polish on the steel which is diluted and dry brushed silver - dry brushed very sparingly. The silver will pick up lance point edges and difference the polished steel helmets from the duller mail which I will leave as is. For this unit I have not opted for overly elaborate caprisons. I thought to represent a subtle difference between my horse units from Simon de Montfort's bodyguard unit who will have highly decorative caprisons and individual foot figures for every mounted knight on the off chance there is some need to hold out somewhere.