Synthetic Fur Completed & A Figure Test

Well, all of the synthetic covered tiles are now completely painted. The first shot shows the beaten ground on which I will feature the town edge. Some sparing white is intended to indicate the chalk coming through the thin topsoil.
The fully worn chalk tracks are fully painted with a generous dry-brushing of cream over which I dry-brushed stark white (two coats). I was happy to dust off to either side of the track onto the fur. This shot also includes the worn ground up to and about the windmill site. You may also note the broad bands of colour better represented in the next shot.
 After posting my reference photos, I decided to hit the fields with swathes of flowers after all. Centre/left directly above the track junction you can make out the expanse of purple flowers achieved simply with a generous dry brush with a house brush. I wasn't worried about how much paint I used as any drops forming I hope will serve as representing flower heads. To the right of the last bend before the mill sight is a patch of pale yellow/cream to represent those flowers in evidence at Lewes on the high ground. They appear to cluster in smaller groups than the purple. I think they help further in breaking up the colour scape.
I am now turning my attention to the flats and marsh edge and have already experimented with dyeing a bathroom mat of fawn coloured toweling - it hangs on the line as I type.

I thought to stand a base of six foot figures on several sections of the deepest pile in the synthetic fur terrain. Whilst I believe the visual result of this terrain technique is the best I have seen, the fur once painted does not collapse. The behaviour or characteristics of the fur changes completely with painting - at least in the way I have done. Even the largest bases of the heaviest figures will sit on top of the 'shag' like they do on crops made of door-mats. I have no issue with this but it does remove one reason I had for basing other armies of mine on 5mm rather than 3mm MDF. It was not as I imagined it would be.

It will also affect how I paint my bases and I know now to get a better blend of figure base to terrain, I'll be painting the edges of my bases using the same colour green as I used in spraying the fur. I normally paint my bases in earth tones after texturing and let the static grasses to the 'greening'. As the Downs are heavily grassed, I will have little earth showing on my army bases. As it happens, my Rebel Lewes army is entirely based thus far on 3mm MDF anyway and by painting them in matching green hues, I hope to get a better fit to the battlefield.


matheo said…
This terrain looks too good.
Phil said…
Most impressive, beautiful and realistic roads!
Stephen said…
Coming along very nicely

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